We Innovate4Climate to Accelerate Climate Action, Frankfurt, 22-24 May

Innovate4Climate, launched in 2017 in Barcelona, is an integral part of this global dialogue of government, multilateral, business, banking, finance, technology leaders and society and embraces the global themes of climate finance, sustainable development, carbon pricing and markets.

Innovate4Climate: Finance & Markets Week 2018
World Bank Group Youth Summit 2017: Technology and Innovation for Impact
For World Environment Day Bologna opens its doors to the All4TheGreen Week
Bio-on presents a revolutionary new technology to eliminate oil pollution in the sea within 3 weeks
#All4TheGreen Week of Activities
G7 Environment discussions brought to a global audience by the SDG Media Zone/All4TheGreen Week of activities

Bologna is about to become the capital of the Environment with #All4TheGreen: over 70 events will be open to the public from June 5 to 12. This series of activities will pave the way to the Environment Ministerial Meeting, scheduled for June 11-12. The entire city - institutions, universities, and businesses - will be involved over the week, in events dedicated to the protection of the environment, to sustainable development and to the circular economy.