High School Game e Connect4Climate: Una t-shirt per il Papa
A T-shirt for the Pope, from the High School Game and Connect4Climate
Global Cooperation through Carbon Markets Could Cut Climate Mitigation Costs Dramatically
Climate Action Tracker
Climate Week retrospective: Is 2016 the year of the “climate story”?
Key climate messages from a day at the UN General Assembly
Gian Luca Galletti, Italian Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea

Earth Day Message from the UN, on the day of the Signing Ceremony of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.


Every citizen can call for climate action at Festival of Participation
Business and Climate Summit: Role of Creative Industries on Climate Action


The World Bank’s Connect4Climate Campaign in partnership with the Business Climate Summit and Maitland Green/Havas staged a thematic discussion on “The Role of Creative Industries in Sustainability and Climate Change” with the objective of perpetuating the engagement of media, entertainment and advertising sectors on climate action.