Rokia Traore becomes a Connect4Climate Global Leader
Climate Deal Expectations To Rise With Extraordinary Display on St Peter’s
Connect4Climate Team Members attend Southeast Asia Climate Change Adaptation Forum
Fiat Lux: Illuminating our Common Home
Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day in Pictures
Rachel Kyte at the People’s Climate March


Rachel Kyte, World Bank Group Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change, tells the youth that this is their time for climate action:

"So I just want to say to all the young people out there, this is your moment. Connect4Climate.

Here in New York, 21st of September, we've got children from the age of two all the way up - student, high school students, middle school students.

Jim Yong Kim’s Speech at Right Here Right Now



Jim Yong Kim's held a speech at the Connect4Climate Right Here Right Now event, March 1, 2013:

I’m here today deliver a very simple message: The World Bank is committed to tackling climate change. But more than anything else, we are committed to tackling climate change because it affects the people we care about most.

Take On Climate Change - April is Huge
March for the Earth with the Pope