The Youth4Climate initiative amplifies the work of young climate leaders and celebrates the power of the young generation to drive ambitious climate action.
Global citizens under 30 are inheriting a hotter, more unpredictable climate that has enormous implications for their future. But they also have incredible power to change the course we’re on—by calling on policymakers, implementing innovative solutions, telling their stories, and collaborating across national lines. For a brief history of the rise of the global youth climate movement, check out the C4C-supported documentary Youth Unstoppable, directed by the young filmmaker Slater Jewell-Kemker.
C4C has been amplifying youth voices for over a decade, and it’s heartening to see meaningful youth engagement increasingly integrated into formal climate decision-making processes. We’re excited to be supporting Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition, a first-of-its-kind event hosted by the Government of Italy that will bring some 400 young delegates from nations all over the world to Milan, Italy this September for a comprehensive discussion of climate solutions whose outputs will feed directly into October’s Pre-COP Summit. Participants will work to develop four key avenues to meaningful action: Youth Driving Ambition, A Climate-Conscious Society, Sustainable Recovery, and Non-State Actors’ Engagement.
Also joining the Driving Ambition event will be Brenda Orea, the recently announced winner of our #SumItUp competition! This contest invited global youth to send in creative summaries of their favorite episodes of #Youth4Climate Live, a 2020-21 virtual series of nine intergenerational climate discussions put on by the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition in collaboration with C4C and the office of the UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth. Brenda submitted a colorful infographic on the series’ “Driving Empowerment” session that impressed both our jury and social media voters with its creativity and richness.
Competitions have been proven to be effective tools to help Connect4Climate raise awareness about climate solutions and harness the creativity of the young generation to tell climate stories in new and engaging ways. We have found success with contests around filmmaking, photography, virtual reality, advertising campaigns, and more; some examples include the Africa competition, Voices4Climate, iChange, Action4Climate, Film4Climate Global Video Competition, Uniting4Climate VR Pitch Competition, New Blood Awards, and the All4theGreen Special Blue Prize.
Our #YouthTakeover initiative gives communications students from all over the world the unique opportunity to take control of Connect4Climate’s social media channels for the duration of key climate events, covering the goings-on through the lenses of their own lived experiences of climate change. In previous years, we’ve put on in-person takeovers in diverse locations including Singapore, Bangkok, Madrid, and New York City.
In 2021, we have hosted virtual Youth Takeovers of Latin American & Caribbean Climate Week and Innovate4Climate, selecting as participants young people from Peru, Cuba, Ghana, Canada, and beyond. Keep your eyes on our Twitter and Instagram for more exciting youth-led content!
Think YOU have what it takes to join one of our Youth Takeover teams? Learn more about the initiative and how to apply for future consideration.