August 24, 2018

Slater Jewell-Kemker didn’t set out to spend her teenage years making a film meant to inspire others to act on climate change. Slater was just 15 years old when she started questioning her local politicians about their inability to pass laws to protect the environment. Soon she began to connect with other young activists doing their part to save the planet, and she took it upon herself to document their eco-efforts and growing movement on camera.
Traveling around the globe on the front lines of climate change, Slater captures the inspiring voices and fierce tenacity of those too young to vote, to have a say in the direction of the planet they will inherit, and you can feel the passion in every frame. Youth Unstoppable takes everyone on a journey that lets to connect with the activists of the next generation and instills hope to know that the future is in their capable hands.
The Youth Unstoppable screening will happen on Wednesday, September 12, starting at 8 PM, at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.
Born in LA to filmmaker parents, Slater Jewell-Kemker has grown up with a passion for film and the idea she could change the world by making her own media. At 15, Slater began documenting the rise of the global youth climate movement, which has taken her around the world to UN Climate Conferences and communities on the front lines of climate change. The UN, TIFF,’s “Millennials on a MISSION,” Mountainfilm and SilverDocs have recognized Slater for her activist filmmaking and led workshops at schools and film festivals highlighting the power of film and activism. Slater is currently a Resident of the Canadian Film Centre Director’s Lab.