[video: https://vimeo.com/188252140]
155 countries. 860 videos. Young people around the world has raised their voices to show that climate change poses a major global security threat. More than 800 stories showcasing how this issue impacts present lives and their future remind us of the urgency of tackling this problem.
The world is taking steps but the time is running. It is vital that we change and move towards a clean energy transition that is sustainable, low carbon and cost effective. It is urgent to implement climate-smart agriculture tools. It is urgent to put a price on carbon. It is urgent to save the planet and our future generations’ lives.
However, it is also time to look at climate change as an opportunity. A chance to direct the planet on a new road where public and private funds are invested towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Youth worldwide are saying that it is possible. And we hear them. The Film4Climate Global Video Competition is a window to individual, local and national climate solutions, new technologies, new business models, a personal life based on less consumption and more concentrated on conservation.
Every country has common but distinguished responsibilities. At the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22), held this year in Marrakesh from 7-18 November, parties will take into account regional and national development priorities, and strategize an urgent international action plan that will turn the Paris Agreement into reality.
Climate change affects every portion of Earth. As so for this Conference of the Parties we want you to take a deeper look into every sector impacted by climate change. For this Special COP22 we compiled content related to all the subjects that will be discussed by world leaders in Marrakesh during 12 days. Read articles, opinion blog posts and infographics, and watch videos.
Join us on the road to Marrakesh, during and post COP22 and help us spread the message by using the social media kit here available.
Find your solution!
Global Climate Action

It has been a really unprecedented year for global climate action
From the Paris agreement to a new deal on another kind of greenhouse gas, the world is doing a lot to slow climate change. READ MORE

13 SDG: Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. READ MORE
The Climate Tracker
The "Climate Action Tracker" is an independent science-based assessment, which tracks the emission commitments and actions of countries. READ MORE

#Film4Climate Global Climate Action trailer