Cham Island Land Crab Conservation #GEFAssembly

Following the 6th GEF Assembly in Da Nang, Viet Nam, the Small Grants Programme invited a group of delegates to visit the Land Crab Conservation Project on Cham Island. Among the island’s rich biodiversity is an endemic species of large land crab locally named “Cua Da” (Gecarcoidea lalandii), which lives in the forest but lays its eggs in the sea, providing an important bridge between the two ecosystems. The crab population was suffering due to over-harvest so between 2010 and 2013, the GEF Small Grants Programme supported a community-based conservation and sustainable harvesting project that enabled the local community to create a successful system that guarantees sound Cua Da crab conservation and harvest.

About the 6th GEF Assembly

The Sixth GEF Assembly and Associated Meetings took place at the Furama International Conference Center in Da Nang, Viet Nam, from June 23-29, 2018.

The GEF Assembly is the governing body of the GEF and is composed of all 183 member countries. It meets every four years at the ministerial level to: review general policies; review and evaluate the GEF’s operation based on reports submitted to Council; review the membership of the Facility; and consider, for approval by consensus, amendments to the Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured Global Environment Facility on the basis of recommendations by the Council.

6th GEF Assembly: More than 100 countries meet to protect global environment

Watch all the messages from the 6th GEF Assembly