Climate Change has been inspiring many artists to raise awareness through melodic songs and powerful lyrics. Music is global and so is Climate Change. Taslim Owonikoko, a scientist and songwriter from Nigeria decided to take action: during his previous trips to South Korea, Europe, South Africa, India, South Africa and Ethiopia he witnessed firsthand "the visible efforts being made towards environmental sustainability as compared to the slow and weak efforts being adopted by Sub-Sahara African Countries" where he lives. The inspiration for this song emerged while visiting UAE (United Arab Emirates), a journey that allowed him to visit several Green Cities across the Desert and realize that "greening the world is possible, if you follow the example of a few countries, with desert ecosystems, that are actually greening–up their environment".
Listen the original song "Green Cities":
Taslim Owonikoko is the current UNDP Best Innovator in Nigeria - 2015 and Maker Faire Rome Innovation award Winner on Green Product Research & Development with 7 patent credits to his name and a General Electric - GE Ecomagination Challenge Top 100 best Global Innovator. Learn more about the author here.