This November Rome was at the center of climate action as people came together to raise their voices by marching together to demand a true commitment against climate change. The People’s March for Earth was slated to start at the Colosseum progressing through the streets of Rome and later arriving at St. Peter’s Square where Pope Francis would greet and bless the gathering. [video:https://youtu.be/e-n5XTp3t3Q]
Watch the full March4Earth video on LittlStar via iOS or Android App, Samsung Gear VR, Apple TV or via Web (Chrome or Firefox browser).
The idea of being at the center of this march at the Eternal City surrounded by so much human history was a powerful thought. It was electric moment that inspired us to create a Virtual Reality (VR) experience so others could feel that same energy and get transported to this place.
To record all this in Virtual Reality was a very unique experience for which we partnered with RYOT to produce a truly immersive film. RYOT is one of the leading content studios creating documentary-style virtual reality films and a great match to produce the first World Bank VR experience.
In contrast with traditional media, VR records in 360 degrees which means a camera is placed in the middle of the action capturing all angles at once. On playback, the viewer is in charge and can decide which way to look. A gateway to look anywhere and to focus on everything. Using this magnificent technology for this setting in Rome was a perfect match. The images can be viewed multiple times, switching the attention from the people in front to the monuments and landscapes afar.
Immersive experiences such as these are getting great traction in many industries such as entertainment and gaming. But its true value is revealed when it is put to work towards Poverty Reduction and Development related initiatives. These storytelling efforts have unlimited potential when driven by the goal of connecting people with very real issues around the world. Most importantly, these initiatives can help create actual human connections guided by empathy which ultimately can inspire others to take action and contribute to find real solutions.
At the World Bank we make an effort to find innovative ways to help people connect with these ideas. But technology on its own cannot deliver results. These efforts only work when they are embraced by groups like Connect4Climate, that are able to take these “magic windows” to the right spots where they can truly help deliver the utmost important messages.
The March4Earth VR video is available on LittlStar via iOS or Android App, Samsung Gear VR, Apple TV or via Web (Chrome or Firefox browser).
Enjoy it on Virtual Reality with a Google Cardboard or a Samsung Gear VR headset.
For a direct link click HERE
For more information, go to:
March4Earth: http://www.march4earth.org/index-eng.php
RYOT: http://www.ryot.org/
NARRATED BY: Greta Scacchi
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Connect4Climate – World Bank Group, Earth Day Italy, Earth Day Network, RYOT.
With sincere thanks to our Partners: Earth Day Italy – Pierluigi Sassi, Earth Day Network, Vicariate of Rome, The Most. Rev. Matteo Zuppi.
SPECIAL THANKS: Paolo Dieci, Giuseppe Fiorello, Rosario Fiorello, Claudia Gerini, Lucia Grenna, Italian Association of Professional Advertising Agents TP, Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea – Minister Gian Luca Galletti, LINK 2007, Roberto Pagnotta, Rosario Pellecchia, Eleonora Pratelli, Radio 105 Network, Camila Raznovic, Carolina Rey, Kathleen Rogers, Tony Severo, Suite19 PR, Francesco Totti, Biagio Vanacore.