Cities around the world are currently rethinking their urban policies, with a focus on sustainability and mobility plays a central role in this process.
On the path to reaching sustainable development targets, transport authorities seek innovative solutions to meet a growing mobility demand and tackle existing urban mobility issues: pollution, congestion and road safety hazards are some of the problems cities face in the process of rapid urbanization.
In support of the Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action, FIA launched FIA Smart Cities to encourage the relevant stakeholders to address these pressing concerns and discuss potential solutions to fill the gaps in modern mobility systems.
“Solving the mobility challenge will require bold, coordinated actions from the private and public sectors: it is my hope that the FIA Smart Cities initiative can contribute to design better cities for those who live in them now and for future generations” said Jean Todt.
FIA Smart Cities has announced their next edition: Clean Mobility for Strong Economy. Connect4Climate will partner on the event, which will take place in Santiago, Chile, on February 2, 2018. Max Edkins, Acting Manager, Connect4Climate, will deliver a keynote presentation on Connecting for Climate Action across Smart Cities.
Check the full event information here and follow the livestream on Connect4Climate Facebook page.
#Cities4Climate #FIASmartCitiesForum #CleanMobility #SantiagoEPrix #FIASmartCitiesStartupGlobalContest @FIAFormulaE @JeanTodt