Motivating large groups of people to take real action is both one of the most important and one of the most daunting challenges facing the climate advocacy community today. No individual can solve the climate crisis; if we’re to succeed in turning the tide, whole communities around the world will have to embrace messages of sustainability and concretely change their behavior. This is where the power of advertising comes in. In order to bring about widespread behavior change, climate allies will need to be persuasive, concise and compelling—the specialty of trained marketers.
Each year, the British nonprofit Design & Art Direction (D&AD) recognizes outstanding achievement in advertising through competitions. In addition to supporting already-established forces in the industry, D&AD is committed to elevating young voices with its student-focused New Blood Awards. C4C is excited to announce that we are partnering with D&AD for the 2020 edition of the New Blood competition, in which we are inviting students from all around the world to send in their ideas for innovative sustainability-themed advertising campaigns with the end goal of effecting sustained, pervasive climate-positive behavior change.
➡️ DOWNLOAD Connect4Climate's Call-to-Action Brief: http://bit.ly/348bk2r
If you are a student over 18 years of age with no history of formal employment in the creative arts who is passionate about spreading sustainable practices for the welfare of our planet—or if you know such a person!—we encourage you to download our call-to-action brief on the D&AD website. This document lays out exactly what we’re looking for from applicants.
If you’re unsure of your eligibility, D&AD has prepared a quick quiz you can take to determine for sure whether you’re clear to participate.
We at C4C are very much looking forward to seeing what bold new approaches to promoting broad climate action will arise from young minds across the globe. Best of luck!